Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Queen of Rock

"I figured out it was a social thing, what women were allowed to do. At a very young age, I decided I was not going to follow women's rules." This quote states the very essence of why Joan Jett is my idol. She defies. She breaks rules. She rocks. We all know or have heard of Joan Jett at some point in our lives, whether you are an avid fan or not Joan Jett has made an impression on the world.
Joan Jett was born in 1958 and from an early childhood was told that women, to her distaste were not allowed to play rock and roll. She immediately decided that this was one of the most preposterous rules and defied it in every meaning of the word. Joan whether she admits it or not was the feminist of her time. She sang of this that before weren't heard of. She obviously didn't care what you thought, said, or heard of her. She was going to do what she wanted to whether you cared or not.
It always amused me that when asked of their idol or hero many people instantly convince us that Oprah or someone from the cast of The View is their hero. Joan Jett is my hero in many ways the very first being in her feminist attitude. She decided that yes, she was a woman and that wasn't going to get in her way of doing what she wanted to do. I was always raised to think that I could do whatever I wanted regardless of what others said. Also, I think my extreme feminist ideals can be linked to my parents who throughout my childhood took me hunting, fishing and on various other adventures which some would initially think to be something males only partake in. For some reason this was instilled in me and now I am a strong feminist who believes that I, regardless of gender can do whatever I believe I can.
Also, Joan Jett has been my hero for another reason,too. Joan created an industry for herself in the rock and roll world. At the time it was a man's world and she proved that she could also reach success for herself in it. This to me is a real hero, who has proved herself and worked hard to get where she is.


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